Harbours and Jetties :
It is now evident that piles corrode at rates far in excess of what is know as acceptable due to an increase by the presence of colonies of bacteria caused primarily by Sulphur Reducing Bacteria (SRB). This phenomenon is known as Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC) or MIC (microbiologically induced corrosion). Identified by orange soft organic bacteria (Ferric 3+ oxides), with a black layer (ferric sulphide) hiding bright, pitted steel. Research revealed that Cathodic Protection greatly reduces the corrosion rate.

Many new constructions now have cathodic protection incorporated into the specification at the design stage to combat this phenomenon.
However if this is overlooked, which is often the case, then there is a risk of serious failure to these structures resulting in the possible collapse of the entire structure which may have human casualties and damage to expensive operational equipment and boat etc. not to mention the costs on down time of a marina.
In the event of such a disaster the Health and Safety body or Protection and indemnity insurance, commonly known as P&I, which is marine insurance against third party liabilities and expenses may look into weather the Port/Marina/developer did enough to stop it from happening.
If the prevention of ALWC is ignored then this could have major detrimental effects on jetties. The image of derelict structures and their safety is enough to put off any boat/ship owner from selecting a Port or Marina.