MCPS Ltd offer a large size range in both half shell and segmented bracelet anodes. Adequate steelwork forms part of any bracelet anode to ensure it is well supported in later life. The anodes have a utilisation factor of 0.80, but where bracelet anodes are used to reduce wave loads on steel jackets a utilisation factor of 0.90, like stand-off is used. In the case of pipelines the anode spacing should not exceed 200m. The amount of anodes will be increased by a factor of 2 for the first 500m from the platforms and subsea installations. The OD of the anodes are usually manufactured to coincide with the OD of the pipe, but if this is not possible they are manufactured with a taper to allow for their movement.
Cathodic Protection Systems shall be designed to deliver sufficient protective current to polarise the steel structure in the submerged zone and maintain that potential. For steel susceptible to hydrogen induced stress cracking (HISC), the potential value is targeted between -0.770V and -0.830 V verses the Ag/AgCl seawater reference electrode